8 research outputs found

    A bizalmat befolyásoló tényezők vizsgálata az üzleti kapcsolatokban (Affects of Transaction cost and Social Exchange Constructs on trust In supply chain relationship)

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    Az üzleti célú kapcsolatok vizsgálatakor legtöbbször felmerül a bizalom fogalma is, amellyel először a szociálpszichológia és a szociológia foglalkozott. A szerző cikkében azzal foglalkozik, hogy milyen tényezők befolyásolják a bizalmat az üzleti kapcsolatokban. Ezért magyarországi szervezeteket (elsősorban üzleti vállalkozásokat) kérdezett meg kvantitatív módszer alkalmazásával. Ez az empirikus kutatás igyekszik a bizalom lehető legtöbb tényezőit összegyűjteni, ahol a kérdőívben a válaszolók egyik létező – vevői vagy beszállítói – kapcsolatukra gondolva válaszoltak a bizalmon túl a partner hírnevére, az észlelt elégedettségre és konfliktusra, az információcserére, a lecserélhetőségre, valamint a kapcsolatspecifikus beruházásokra vonatkozóan. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy egyik változó sem jelent kizárólagos befolyásoló erőt, hanem közösen alakítják ki a bizalom adott szintjét. _______ This article is based on the assumption that trust promotes commitment between partners in the supply chain and improves the chances of return on supply chain success. In contrast, a lack of trust between them often increases transaction costs and results in inefficiency. The results of this research, based on multi-country surveys with 729 returns from France, Hungary, Korea, Tunisia and the United States on supply chain professionals, reveals a strong affect of transaction cost constructs (TCC) (asset specificity and behavioral uncertainty) and social exchange constructs (SEC) (replaceability, perceived satisfaction, partner reputation, and perceived conflict) on trust-commitment variables in partnership based supply chain relationships. This paper employed a structural equation model to extract information from the survey data. Among the findings, the research indicates that a firm’s trustcommitment in dealing with their supply chain partnership is highly associated with not only transaction cost, but more so with social exchange variables. This study may open a new research avenue in that there is another construct, SEC, beside TSC that influences the degree of trust and commitment

    A review of prosumers’ behaviours in smart grids and importance of smart grid management

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    Purpose: The concept of the smart grid is relatively new. The first aim of the study is to understand the behaviour of prosumers in smart grids. The other goal is to raise awareness of the management tasks and risks of smart grids by highlighting the relevant issues of some business networks (PPP projects, outsourcing, strategic alliances etc.). Methodology: Systemized literature review was used in the paper. Results: The discussed management problems of various business networks indicate that management challenges can also be expected in smart grids, so it is worth preparing in time. Conclusion: We found a lack of empirical research about the behaviour of prosumers and believe that studying the electric power grid of the future from a management perspective, that is, examining the possible behaviours and decisions of various actors, can provide valuable and useful information for smart grid design and safe operation insurance

    Affecting determinants of trust in business relationships

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    Scholars claim that cooperation conflict and even competition can exist between the partners in business relationship. Why are there conflicts among business partners? The logical answer is permanent changes in the fields of politics, economics, regulations, social norms and technological systems. It can also happen that in a new business network a company has to cooperate with its former competitor. In a dynamic prospective, trust affects satisfaction. Satisfaction and conflicts are always perceived by business relationship partners. Different cultures evaluate a business relationship in different ways, therefore they have various views on how to start or develop business relationships. The aim of this paper is to investigate the complex effects of trust on perceived satisfaction, perceived conflict and among organizations in existing business relationships. In this research it was found that trust is affected by both satisfaction (positively) and conflict (negatively). Due to the lack of a widely accepted definition of trust in business and what determines it, this quantitative research may bring new thoughts to researchers or even support earlier models as well. In this empirical paper, quantitative research methods were applied and 315 valid questionnaires received from organizations registered in Hungary, independent of size and economic sector. The valid questionnaires were analysed by SPSS software using factor analysis and regressions

    A tranzakciós költségek elmélete és a társadalmi csereelmélet hatásai a bizalomra az ellátási láncban (Affects of Transaction cost and Social Exchange Constructs on trust In supply chain relationship)

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    A szerzők alapvető feltételezése, hogy az ellátási láncban a bizalom ösztönzi a felek közötti elkötelezettséget. Továbbá a bizalom növeli annak a lehetőségét, hogy az ellátási lánc sikeresen működjön. Ugyanakkor, a felek közötti bizalom hiánya gyakran megnöveli a tranzakciós költségeket, és így csökkenti a hatékonyságot. A cikkben bemutatott kutatás adatgyűjtésére több országban – Franciaországban, Magyarországon, Dél-Koreában, Tunéziában és az Egyesült Államokban – került sor. Összesen 729 érvényes kérdőív érkezett vissza, amelyeket a különböző ellátási láncok résztvevői töltöttek ki. A kutatási eredmények szerint az ellátási láncokon belüli üzleti kapcsolatokban a tranzakciós költségek elméletének összetevői (kapcsolatspecifikusság és viselkedési bizonytalanság), valamint a társadalmi csereelmélet tényezői (lecserélhetőség, észlelt megelégedettség, a partner hírneve és észlelt konfliktus) szoros kapcsolatban állnak a bizalom és az elkötelezettség változóival. _____ This article is based on the assumption that trust promotes commitment between partners in the supply chain and improves the chances of return on supply chain success. In contrast, a lack of trust between them often increases transaction costs and results in inefficiency. The results of this research, based on multi-country surveys with 729 returns from France, Hungary, Korea, Tunisia and the United States on supply chain professionals, reveals a strong affect of transaction cost constructs (TCC) (asset specificity and behavioral uncertainty) and social exchange constructs (SEC) (replaceability, perceived satisfaction, partner reputation, and perceived conflict) on trust-commitment variables in partnership based supply chain relationships. This paper employed a structural equation model to extract information from the survey data. Among the findings, the research indicates that a firm’s trustcommitment in dealing with their supply chain partnership is highly associated with not only transaction cost, but more so with social exchange variables. This study may open a new research avenue in that there is another construct, SEC, beside TSC that influences the degree of trust and commitment

    A működő smart grid tanulságai egy magyar önkormányzati példán keresztül

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    Az elektromos áram iránti növekvő globális kereslet, a fenntarthatósági elvárások, a globális Covid-járvány és az orosz–ukrán háború is befolyásolja az elektromos áram ellátási láncát. Tanulmányunkban a közeljövő modern intelligens áramhálózatával, a smart griddel foglalkozunk a menedzsment megközelítésével. Magyarország legújabb és legkomplexebb smart gridjét elemezzük az esettanulmány módszerével. A smart grid szereplőit vizsgáltuk, hogy milyen volt az együttműködés, milyen tanulási folyamatokat tapasztaltak, milyen kockázatokat láttak és látnak most. Eredményeink szerint a megrendelők és a kivitelezők kölcsönösen elégedettek; a számszerű előnyök mellett mindegyik fél fontosnak tartja a különböző területeken megvalósult tanulási folyamatokat is. A kockázatok a modern technológiából, a komplexitásból, az újszerű megoldásokból és működési mechanizmusokból erednek, de a geopolitikai és világgazdasági bizonytalanságok, hiányjelenségek is hatást gyakorolnak

    Lessons Learned from an Operational Smart Grid Through the Example of a Local Government in Hungary

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    The steadily growing global demand for electricity, sustainability expectations, the global Covid epidemic and the Russian-Ukrainian war are also affecting the electricity supply chain. In our study we will focus on the smart grid, the modern smart electricity network of the near future, from a Hungarian perspective, with management approach. Hungary’s newest and most complex smart grid is analysed using the case study method. We investigated the actors of the smart grid and were interested in how the cooperation between the parties was, what learning processes they experienced, and what risks they saw and see now. Our results show that customers and contractors are mutually satisfied; in addition to the numerical benefits, each party also values the learning processes in different areas. The risks identified stem from modern technology, complexity, novel solutions and operational mechanisms, but geopolitical, global economic uncertainties and shortages also have an impact

    The relationship among ethics and conflict management in Hungarian metal and machinery supply chains

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    It seems that ethics has become an important issue because more and more firms accept ethical codex and make them public as well. On contrary all of us know some stories when unethical behaviour resulted tragedy. Nowadays in business life ethics and responsibility appear as necessary value from the aspect of success. More papers state that ethical behaviour offers various benefits in business relationships. Our paper seeks these positives in empirical way by interviewing members and experts of Hungarian metal and machinery supply chains but we take into consideration the network effects as well. Our survey investigates how fair behaviour can prevent or decrease conflicts in business. The results of our qualitative research show that fair behaviour brings certain benefits but the economic reality and the direction of money flow are dominant. We have met various forms of conflict management and found that respondents want to maintain even very problematic business ties as well

    The relationship among ethics and conflict management in Hungarian metal and machinery supply chains

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    It seems that ethics has become an important issue because more and more firms accept ethical codex and make them public as well. On contrary all of us know some stories when unethical behaviour resulted tragedy. Nowadays in business life ethics and responsibility appear as necessary value from the aspect of success. More papers state that ethical behaviour offers various benefits in business relationships. Our paper seeks these positives in empirical way by interviewing members and experts of Hungarian metal and machinery supply chains but we take into consideration the network effects as well. Our survey investigates how fair behaviour can prevent or decrease conflicts in business. The results of our qualitative research show that fair behaviour brings certain benefits but the economic reality and the direction of money flow are dominant. We have met various forms of conflict management and found that respondents want to maintain even very problematic business ties as well